Classic Bodybuilding Gallery
 Golden Era of Bodybuilding
It is easy to associate bodybuilding with the freaky musculature that is the result of excessive drug use. But historically, bodybuilding was a natural process that was solely dependent on the health and hard work of the individual. Though bodybuilding has been around for centuries, names like Eugene Sandow and Charles Atlas made it famous and led to the proceeding Iron and Golden ages of the sport.
Until recently, men used food, barbells, dumbbells and their own body weight to sculpt themselves into the likeness of David. Some say that the Greeks invented body building with the method "calisthenics", which combines the Greek words for 'beauty' and 'strength'. The Romans also thought of the male form as a beautiful work of art, superior even to that of a woman’s.
In our modern age this method of bodybuilding has been lost, and thus we have been robbed of the beauty that accompanied it. The male form is now often viewed as grotesque or clumsy at its worst — functional at its best.
However, when shaped and molded to perfection, one must be compelled to treat the male body with equal respect to the female. As these images will show, it was certainly the case in the days of old.
Classic Bodybuilders of the Golden Era '
 Jack LaLanne
 Steve Reeves
 Frank Zane
Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Gallery
 Arnold Schwarzenegger
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